Irrigation Capital Campaign
Only 12 of our 28 acres have irrigation. As the club has grown in recent years, we have become increasingly reliant on the non-irrigated portion of our fields. Our goal is to install irrigation in the remaining 16 acres. This will ensure high-quality fields for all of our programs throughout the fall and spring. We also intend to purchase four goals to accommodate our growing club.
Help us develop the future by donating now.
Sponsorship Levels:
• $10,000 – Platinum Elite.
Thank you in IFA Newsletter. Listed on our new IFA website. Recognition on IFA Facebook page. Permanent listing on field signage. 3yr fence banner.
• $3,500 – Platinum.
Thank you in IFA Newsletter. Listed on our new IFA website. Recognition on IFA Facebook page. Permanent listing on field signage. 1yr fence banner.
• $1,000 – Gold.
Thank you in IFA Newsletter. Listed on our new IFA website. Recognition on IFA Facebook page. 1yr fence banner.
• $500 – Silver.
Thank you in IFA Newsletter. Listed on our new IFA website. Recognition on IFA Facebook page.
• $250 – Bronze.
Thank you in IFA Newsletter. Listed on our new IFA website.
• $100 – Patron.
Thank you in IFA Newsletter.